Twitter is the newest rage in keeping in touch with your customers and making money. Businesses, websites, bloggers, anyone wanting to attract customers to their Internet or brick and mortar stores, can keep them apprised of their activities, sales, and points of interest. Twitter is a way of keeping your business before your customers. You can determine when your customer will receive a tweet from you to keep them in the loop on the activities of your business, blog, or website.
Signing up to Twitter is free. It helps you spread information about your business, your interest, what you are doing on your website or blog around the world or around town. Those who receive your tweets are those in your contact list. You can look up business and customers through Twitter search engine to include on your Twitter list. If you have an auto responder on your website or blog to capture your visitors, you can load them into your Twitter account and Tweet to them your activities.
Twitter can be a standalone way to make money for your business; it is best used as a tool for other programs you are using to keep your customers informed about your activities. Obviously your website will contain information you want your customers to see. When you have added something new to your web pages a Tweet to your customers to let them know a new article is ready for their reading helps you keep them informed. The same goes for your blog.
Twitter is so versatile, it can be sent to cell phones in addition to email accounts. In your auto responder, you should be asking for as much information as possible about how to contact your customers. This gives you more ways to let them know what you have to offer and how they can buy your product or service.
There are pros and cons about the number of Tweets you should make to your customers. It is up to you, if there is a lot going on in your business, more Tweets may be warranted. If business is slow, more Tweets may be warranted. It will depend on your philosophy concerning contacting your customers. People who sign up for Twitter tend to be those who want to know what is going on. They do not like to be left out of the loop, so the more you Tweet, especially if the information you are Tweeting is important information, then your customers will want to hear from you.
What you Tweet is as important as the frequency. People don't want to hear about all the minute of your life, but important information, interesting information even controversial information, if there is any, they want to be made aware of. You may want to add a part of your website or blog a contact from Google Trends where you will get instantaneous updates from news sources, entertainment sources, or sports to keep your company name in front of your customers. Twitter has unlimited ways of being used to make money and keep your business in front of your customers without you being a nuisance, you just have to be creative enough to come up with the ideas which will keep your customers informed and wanting more.
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